If you would like to predict certain information on the basis of your data or if you wonder if that is possible and if yes how, then we offer to consult you on these issues.
It is not so easy to know what kind of information can be predicted on the basis of your available data and machine learning algorithms. This depends a lot on the size of your data, data quality and the problem setting. We would be happy to consult you on such questions. We offer you a free telephone session. Please contact us first to arrange a good time for such a phone call.
We also offer consulting on concepts on how to embed machine learning and prediction algorithms into your existing processes.
If you would like to do a machine learning software project using agile development with scrum, we would be happy to help or fill out the function of the project owner, who splits the project into suitable sub-tasks (stories) and defines them. Alternatively, we could also be part of your software development team focusing on the tasks dealing with data analysis and the creation of prediction and machine learning algorithms.
We offer to write software for you. First, we will work out a suitable software and data interface together with you. At the end you will obtain the software with all the associated software rights.